Hola Los Angeles!
We are dos muchachos. This photo of us was taken the day after we were released from a border detention center where we had been imprisoned for 6 months. A terrific group of artists and activists and friends raised enough money for us to get out on a bond and now we are awaiting a fair trial for our Asylum case.
We are well trained in cleaning and come with our own supplies except for a vacuum. Our sponsor/manager is also an Asian Tiger mom and insists we work harder and charge less than anyone else. Our trainer has 20 years of experience cleaning and showed us all the tips and tricks to getting your place sparking clean! We are learning English as fast as we can and can communicate through our phone apps. During the pandemic we also started our
Love and Libertad Etsy Store
to raise awareness of our story and help others. A little information on us: We are a couple, and when our families and friends found that out, we lost our apartments, our jobs, and most of our loved ones in one fell swoop. Cesar, who is on the left, had a brother that was giving us a place to live while we figured out what to do. He was taken into the town square and killed in front of us as an example of "What happens when you harbor gay people". And we were next. So we fled to Mexico first, but it was sort of the same thing. Lots of bullying, getting beaten up and difficulty renting a place. We are not closeted and we just want to live our lives in peace, work hard and contribute to whatever community we are in. We came here hoping to turn our luck around, not understanding that a prison was part of that. We had almost lost hope when we met our first group of sponsors. And now, while we are in classes and waiting our turn, we want to give back to the community, get some work experience and meet new people to practice our English.